Siti  -  Links
Organizzazioni religiose-Religious organisations
Comunita Odinista ( Langbard)
National organisation from Langbard ( today northern "Italy")
Founders of Odinist-Asatru revival in Padania.
Hermandad Asatru Argentina - Martillo de Thor
The Asatru kindred of Argentina  "Thor's Hammer" is a proud organisation with members of Longobardic heritage .
Odinic Rite (UK)
National organisation from UK "Faith-Folk and Family"
(Founders of the Odinist movement in UK with some "National branches")
Individuali - Individuals
Wyvern Faith-Folk-Family page
Excellent web-site by an OR member
Hnikar Folkish Asatru page
Another Excellent site based in California, a lot of news ( "Odin's Nation News") from many Asafolk
Site by a research-group upon Runes (based in Florence)
Ecole Helvetique des Runes
Institut  who promote the Runic studies (Switzerland)
Cultura e radici germaniche -- Germanic culture and roots
Allgermanische Heidnische Front
varie - Various
The heathen Biker
"You've just stumbled into the darkest pit of retro-heathenry, where the denizens of Woden meet the road on two-wheeled iron steeds, where heavy ales flow like water from a spring and the only law is that of the brotherhood of biker"
The Arktion Federation
No texts. Dedicated to the lovers of web (esoterical) art.
Blood Axis
The neo-classical band from Portland-Oregon
Artistical sculptures by the german artist Markus Wolff from
Koeln ( now in Portland -OR ).

If You have a page you think should be linked here please Email me and i will probably link it.
