Runes in Langbard

 The word "Langbard" was used , in a first time some years ago , by a group of Odinists who were the founders of Odinism/Asatru in the area of present-day Northern Italy . This area is actually called "Padania" by a lot of  patriots who are fighting for the independence of out country from the Rome-occupation government .
  "Langbard" respect to "Padania"  is a more ethnically word  and is a contraction of the term "Langbardalan"  : the Land of Lombards (or Longobards) , those terms - of course- mean the same entity .
    So , now , more heathens who're patriots too , are using this name in honor to the great Lombard kingdom who was  extended in all the area of present-day Northern-Italy ( a land of  ancient Celtic heritage).

Stone -engravings in Langbard

lIn brown : Runic places
tOut from the Langbard's boarders
    "Val ", "Valle " = "Valley"
   "Lago" = "Lake"
"Monte"= "Mountain" ; "Monti"="Mountains"

1 Valle Camonica ( zone di capodimonte e circostanti);
2 Valtellina ( area di Grosio e circostante);
3 Garda e pendici del Monte Baldo;
4 Val d'Assa e Altopiano d'Asiago;
t5 Sued Titol
6 Spina verde comasca ed aree circostanti;
7 Sesto Calende e Basso Verbano;
8 Alto Varesotto ( Val Viaschina, Veddasca, Dumentina);
9 Val Vigezzo;
10 Val d'Ossola;
11 Lago d'Orta;
12 Valle d'Aosta ( tutta la Valle è interessata);
13 Valchiusella;
14 Val di Lanzo;
15 Monti Musinè, Ciabergia e Val di Susa;
16 Val Pellice;
17 Val Chisone e Val Germanasca;
18 Colle dei Sabbioni;
19 Ventimiglia - Balzi Rossi;
20 Finalese;
21 Varazze ( Alpicella );
22 Monte Beigua,  Pian Paludo;
23 Acquasanta;
24 Lunigiana;
25 Carso triestino;
26 Valli del Natisone;
27 Carso Istriano, S.Servolo;
t28 Totes Gebirge;
t29 Notgasse;
t30 Ybbs;
t31 Hallein;
32 Carschenna;
33 Val Bregaglia;
34 Canton Ticino;
t35 Sion;
t36 Salvan;
t37 Verbier;
t38 Grimentz;
t39 Haute Maurienne - Thyl;
t40 Haute Maurienne - Lanslevillard;
41 Monte Bego;
42 Val Fontanalba . 
Rune engraved in Langbard
Site n.r 1 :Val Camonica

    «   (...) and runic alphabets all descend from an older system of North Italic origin .
This is the opinion of two runologists, C.G.S. Marstrander and H.Hammarstrom. It is not precisely know who the North Italic people were, although they were probably a part of what we now call the Alpine Germanics.
  It seems that we are dealing with a fusion of two systems, partly native-Germanic and partly Etruscan in origin. Various runes and rune-like inscriptions and sigils  have been found all over Europe. These symbols  were somehow developed into the Common Germanic runic futhark system as we know it ; whether the system came about though a slow process of growth  and integration or as a result  of the endeavors of a limited number of initiates , or even of one individual , we shall probably never be able to establish . My personal belief is that the runic system is partly native and partly North Italic.
  We cannot tell precisely which German tribe it was that spread the rune-script all over Germanic territory . It many have been the Marcomanni , a tribe living near the area of present-day  Austria, or the Cimbri, or else the Eruli.(It is not even certain whether the Cimbri were a Germanic-speaking tribe, as the evidence supplied by the Gundestrup cauldron suggest that this tribe was Celtic). Heruli, or Erilaz, appears to be the name of one of the oldest Germanic tribes, which inhabited the area of present-day Denmark. "Heruli" was used in the Viking Age as a title for a type of rune-master and denotes a trained magician or shaman rather  than someone who was merely able to chisel runes in stone . The evidence indicates that the Heruli were most probably the people who disseminate knowledge of the futhark, and by so doing their tribal name has been passed down throughout history as a title applied to those with special skills in rune-lore
                                                                                  From :
                                                              Freya Aswynn’s"Nothern Mysteries and Magick" P.6,
                                                              Llewellyn Publications, St.Paul , MN 55164-0383 USA


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